Wondering what extremophiles are? They are living beings which dwell in places with extreme , unimaginable temperature or pressure or dehydration. Until now most extremophiles are unicellular, for the first time a monster is listed under ‘extremophiles’. These monsters were given a very good choice of death over being extrmophiles! but the naïve monsters chose to be extremophiles- a slow but sure death. I have been hearing these trite statements more often day by day. ‘damn..I feel like living in desert these days.' 'It is got to be temperature, when something like this is put up: Temperature in centigrade vs Eiffel tower in meters ’. Have we ever thought then how the people living in desert will feel now! Highly impossible, right! Global warming is only a discomfort for our normal life right now, so still many are not caring for it. But people living in deserts are fighting everyday to tolerate and sustain life in this temperature. We can’t go out even for 10 minutes in peak summers without water but they should walk at least 1 hour everyday to quench their daily water needs. They are not in a position to even meet their basic needs. Think about them for a second! We all think it is a curse to be born as poor for whom money is the only problem but for these people they don’t get proper food, education, money, even water to survive. So what can we do for them? We can’t send them water every day but can prevent wastage of water in our home at the least. For every single step you take to prevent global warming, a life is saved somewhere somehow and for every single tree you cut, a life is dead somewhere somehow. Realize the seriousness of this issue and take the responsibility! Do not somehow be a reason for somebody losing a life somewhere because of your ignorance/deliberate ignorance about global warming. Our own people at deserts are forced to live an extremophiles’ life; deep under their roots, they long to live a normal life of simple Homo sapien and they deserve that right just like you n me!
L.Manju Barathi